JP Services

JP Services in Sydney

As a community business, I take pride in offering free Justice of the Peace (JP) services, which can be conducted and signed in person or electronically. 

JP Roles and Responsibilities 

As a solicitor, we can witness any documents which can be witnessed by a JP, such as statutory declarations or affidavits; we can also certify true copies of original documents.

Statutory Declaration 

A Statutory Declaration is a legal document that states (in writing) something to be true. The person stating it is the declarant and must be done so in the presence of a JP or Solicitor. Often a Statutory Declaration is used to:

  1. confirm your age,
  2. verify insurance claims, and/or 
  3. commonly state who was driving when their car was recorded speeding


An Affidavit is a sworn statement written by an individual or party used as evidence in court. An Affidavit must be signed by the deponent and the witness on each page. The witness must be an authorised person such as a Solicitor, Barrister or JP. 

Certified Copy 

A certified copy is a copy (frequently a photocopy) of an original document, the original document must be presented to an authorised person for them to certify that the copy is a true copy of the original. Documents that authorised persons to certify are generally legal forms of identification, including (but not limited to) Passports, Birth certificates and/or Drivers’ Licenses.

Understanding the Differences Between a JP and a Solicitor

JP’s and solicitors are both authorised persons and can witness and authenticate legal documents. However. A solicitor can offer advice on the law, whereas a JP cannot. So if you are seeking legal counsel in addition to JP services, a solicitor will be able to give this to you. At Hawkesbury Legal, there is no charge for our JP services.

Talk to an Expert Today

If you require assistance or would like to know more about the legal solutions we provide, please don't hesitate to contact us today! 

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